Planning Worksheet: Job Application Package

Ad #1

1.      Job description - Based on the description itself, what kinds of qualifications do you think you need for this job? What kinds of personal qualities? In other words, what kind of person are they looking for? Be specific and push beyond a superficial response (everyone is looking for a "hard worker," but knowing that is of limited value to you). 

They are looking for someone who is prepared to deal with the stereos of the workplace. After looking through several other ads for various jobs, many required qualifications listed problem-solving, multitasking, prioritizing and an ability to meet deadlines as their top priorities. On a personal level, they want someone who can create and maintain relationships even through web communication, such as e-mail, because it’s a worldwide company and much of their business is conducted online. Therefore they would be looking for someone who is personable and comfortable with communication with others.

2.      Audience analysis - To find recent news and information about the company, look around the company's website and then do a search on ProQuest (available from the Penn State libraries website). What clues can you infer about the corporate culture, the size of the company, and so on? From these clues, who do you think would be reading your job application (i.e. Human resources, project managers, executives?)? Are there any recent developments (new contracts, clients, expansions, etc.) that you could use to demonstrate your knowledge of the company?  Can you identify company values that signal the type of employee they might be looking for?

 The company is a large corporation that functions on a global scale. It has branches all over the world including Europe, Asia and North America, and is continuing to expand. Human resources would be in charge of hiring. I’m not sure how I would use my research on the company to my advantage on my resume beyond the specific job requirements.

3.      Resume - Describe how you will focus your resume for this job, company, and reader. Which aspects of your education and experience will you highlight? What information will be less important for that job?

 Since I have very little actual job-related experience for this type, I will highlight my school work and related experience such as specific courses that would enable me to become an asset for their company. I will list specific classes I have taken and what I have learned that would aid me with working in the real world. I will cut any information that doesn’t have to do with specific qualifications the ad has asked for. This includes my most recent jobs as a waitress or a cashier.

4.      Cover Letter - Describe how you will focus your cover letter for this job, company, and reader? Which aspects of your education and experience will you highlight? What information will be less important for that job? What kind of tone will you take in the letter?

I will take a fairly formal tone but write in first person to make the letter sound somewhat personal, speaking directly to my audience. I will elaborate on my points from my resume and use specific wording from the job posting to echo their own words which will underline my capabilities.